Singing Stones

a force of nature

History of stone image
In the early 1970’s Elmar Daucher, a German sculptor who was working with stone was cleaning one of his sculptures and his rag slipped across a patch of the granite. Vibrational bubbles emanated into the air in all directions, with his ears instantly translating those bubbles into the extraordinary sounds of granite now singing in the modern world. His “accident” opened up an entirely new field of sound and resonance, being furthered beginning in the early 90”s, by the German father and son team Klauss and Hannes Fessman

Our Sound for Life team designs and develops unusual new instruments for delivering sound experiences that expand perception and explore hidden reality, both internally and externally. We can say, unequivocally, that stones of just the right kind of granite crafted by our partners Svaram from a quarry in Tamil Nadu India, produce the rarest of the rare vibration, power, and unique resonance of anything we know of on this remarkable planet.

Take a moment to picture rock buried for millions of years finding its way into our modern day air, brought into pulsation by the friction ridges of a human hand, with water as primoridal essence providing the connective lubricant!

It’s evolutionary rock music . . . We believe that sound workers and musicians of all types and styles will feel and recognize, as we do, that singing stones are something beyond what we think we know . . . . .

     There is a kind of profound hope these sounds suggest for the human adventure, 
  towards a reciprocity between individuals, cultures and the ecological 
            Garden of Eden we call Earth.

From our Svaram partners:
Knowledge, codified in the Vastu Shastras and the Chinese geomantic practice of
Feng Shui, is crucial in determining a wholesome experience of any built and designed
environment for the visitor. Determining factors of this holistic and pragmatic
perspective of a built space are its proportionality and harmony of form, and its
alignment with the directions and porosity to positive cosmic, climatic and tellurian
influences. These stone sculptures are designed in accordance with these universal
to enhance and bring forward the harmonizing potential of selected interior,
terrace or outdoor surroundings, for the benefit of the beholder - inspiring, recharging
and enhancing the experience and signature of a given space.

 about image
Alan Tower, founder of Sound for LIfe, has been the primary catalyst in the stone's journey to the US.

This was set into motion by Aurelio Hammer, leader of Svaram, who shipped a Stone to the US from India in the early 2000's to see what magic might ensure. It somehow found its way to Alan in Big Sur, CA. Alan's talent and knowledge of ethereal and elemental sound for expansion experiences is unrivaled. As an inventor and co-creator of many instruments and theoretical constructs for soundwork, he knows intimately the most unique and powerful instruments. This is why he has pushed hard over the years to bring awareness to this uniquely magical instrument.

We are honored to collaborate with Svaram Musical Instruments and Research in sheparding the next group of stones into the US for sharing the wonder of singing stones with others. Chad Ellingwood has teamed up with Alan to help facilitate the stone's journey and future. We look forward to furthering awareness of these profound works of vibrational art.

We have witnessed these remarkable tools able to facilitate shifts in an individual's life, and believe they offer offer something deep for society as a whole on an energetic level.
purchasing image
Each stone is a unique handcrafted work of art. Curating the cutting of lamella sections for these stones takes months of planning and logistics.

We are currently taking orders for 10 stones in 2022. Stones are custom designed to our specifications allowing for easy transport and ultimate vibrational quality. The current stone size available this year is 11"L x 20"H x 8"W. The photo on right is of one of these stones. Over the past 12 years it has become clear to us that this size is optimum for the intersection of sound pulsation, playability and portability.

In addition to the stone we offer a few custom wood resonators with room for the stone and water bowls for playing, This is a special item and only a few will be available with this shipment. The Gallery has photos of these finished wooden resonators.

We work with a local wood shop able to produce beautifully crafted custom sound tables to precise specs and with the highest quality of sustainable woods. These tables facilitate the best delivery of experience to one or more receivers at once. If you'd like a stone or other info on products please email Chad directly for information and pricing at .

Dr. James Hopkin

The SoundStone is a multi-dimensional tool. The whole thing was just mind blowing, what you are doing is an incredible service to humankind. Dr. James Hopkins, Chiropractor and sound practitioner

Mary Gaetjens, Holistic Health Practitioner

It felt like you were playing my bones. There was no difference between the atoms of the SoundStone and the atoms of my bones. It was phenomenal. I loved it. Mary Gaetjens – Holistic Health Practitioner

Yvon Chouinard, CEO Patagonia

We choose to believe that the granite is alive. If life is movement, then rock - with its atoms flying around like stars in cosmos is alive

Klauss Fessman

Stone is stone, as stone. Stone is sound, as stone. Stone is sculpture, as stone.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The mineral world is a much more supple and mobile world than could be imagined by The science of the ancients. Vaguely analogous to the metamorphoses of living creatures, there occurs in the most solid rocks, as we know, perpetual transformation of mineral species .

  • Los Angeles, California, United States

For pricing and availability please email Chad.